Contact us: |+84 0988 245 028 (Mr.Chinh)
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Khách Hàng
Trung tâm anh ngữ ACET | Canadian English Council (C.E.C) | | |
4 trung tâm | 12 trung tâm |
Havina Language Academy | Star International Education Centre | | |
6 trung tâm | 3 trung tâm |
Trung Tâm Anh Ngữ Circleg6 | Anh ngữ kiến thức Việt | | |
1 trung tâm | 1 trung tâm |
AMA | Trung Tâm Anh Ngữ Hi-Way | | |
2 trung tâm | |
3 trung tâm | 1 trung tâm |
Edison | ILC | | |
3 trung tâm | 1 trung tâm |
Eghlish Ms Thuy | Hello Enghish | | |
2 trung tâm | 1 trung tâm |
StepUp | NewDay | | |
1 trung tâm | 1 trung tâm |
Khách Hàng Của Chúng Tôi
1. Anh Văn Mỹ Việt
2. Anh ngữ kiến thức việt
3. Learn for Life
4. Star Edu - Star International Education Centre
5. American Education Group (AEG)
6. GoldenKey Thanh Hóa
7. Trung Tâm Anh Ngữ RWE (HCM & BMT)
8. HC Music School
Released note
Upcoming release
Education module on Cloud ERP System
Kuinsoft 2019
-- Google calendar integration
- Electric invoice integeration (Hóa đơn điện tử)
- Update Lead from external site
- Google class
- Manage class/teacher schedule at public school
- Integrate SMS brand name with VNTP, FPT, & Abenla
KuinSoft 1.6 Release - Jul/2015
- Integrated with moodle (online e-learning system)
- New look & improvement performance on telesales function
- Add some statistic reports
- New report format for TA/Teacher salary
- Add new some functions for "Sending SMS"
- New "My desktop" function to manage daily admin tasks and statistic
KuinSoft 1.5 Release - Jun/2015
- Add "Notes" function
- New look on Telesales screen
- Manage Syllabus
- Report card with brief lesson learned.
KuinSoft 1.4 Release - Oct/2014
- Auto update (online)
- Add Data source Provider and analysis reports into Sales & Marketing Module
- Fix bugs of Call List, telesales
- Add Student progress report.
- Add Class Owner, search class by owner
- Modified Receipt Note, Refund Note.
KuinSoft 1.3 Release - Jul/2014
Purchasing module
Inventory Module
KuinSoft 1.2 Released - Jan/2014
- Add new module (Sales & Marketing)
- Add prospect to manage external customer data or potential customers
- Allow user to create call list to use for telesales, can share a call list
- Send Mass email
- Send SMS using GSM modem/GPRS modem
- Allow user to create Email/SMS template and using it to send Email/SMS
- Monthly data closing
- Fixed some bugs
KuinSoft 1.1 Released - May/2013
- Advance search
- Fixed bugs
- Added some management reports.
KuinSoft 1.0 Released - Dec/1012
- Basic functions
Làm sao để gởi SMS
Để có thể gởi được tin nhắn (SMS) bạn cần phải có:
- 01 PC có cổng USB
- 01 GSM/GPRS Modem
- 01 Sim cho mạng Vina, Viettel, Mobile ..
- Sử dụng chức năng Send SMS của chương trình Kuinsoft để gởi
Hiện tại chương trình chỉ hổ trợ cho modem GPRS G2403R (giá tham khảo khoảng 1.6tr), chương trình đang thử nghiệm trên một số modem khác.
Comming Soon.